
is a federation of a country in Western Europe country is a country with economic and political position which is very important in Europe and the world. With an area of 357,021 square kilometers (about two and a half times the island of Java) and a population of approximately 82 million people, a country with 16 states (plural: Länder) has become a key member organization of the European Union (most populous), a hub of transportation of goods and services between sekawasan countries and become the country with the third largest immigrant population in the world.

Although the modern German nation-state recently formed in 1871, after the Franco-Prussian War, the political forces in this region has long played an important position in the era of monarchy in Europe since the acquisition by the Roman Empire before the modern era (AD) until the end of the Napoleonic Wars . Unification of the Central European region at the time of Karl the Great (Charlemagne), the leader of the Kingdom of Franks, in the 8th century to pilot the establishment of an empire konfederatif nearly 1000 years old, known as the Holy Roman Empire. This empire is coloring the feudal culture throughout Europe and became the center of the Christian Reformed church in the 16th century that gave birth to Protestantism. When the Holy Roman Empire was dissolved in 1806 due to divisions caused by the Napoleonic wars, has been a growing sense of nationhood as a society speak the same language (German). However, the modern state was then not able to unite the ideals of nationhood, because Austria form alliance with Hungary became a separate country from the modern German state. In 1949, Germany, with an area much reduced due to two major wars in Europe, divided into two separate nations: West Germany [6] and East Germany. This separation ended October 3, 1990 (the German national day now) when East Germany was officially united with West Germany.

Germany (West) is a founding member of the European Economic Community (later became the European Union in 1993). The country is also a member of the Schengen zone and the users of the Euro since 2002. As an important country, Germany is a member of the G8, G20, ranked fourth in the Gross Domestic Product and fifth place in purchasing power parity (2009), second on the exporting country and the second order goods importing country (2009), and ranked second in the world in value of development assistance in its annual budget (2008). Germany is also known as a country with good social safety net and has a very high standard of living. Germany is known as a country with a mastery of science and advanced technology in various fields, both natural sciences and social and humanitarian, as well as a country that many scores in the field of sports, like Formula 1, Football, and others - others. Germany is considered as a country that really turn the world. In other words, Germany is also a country that affect the state of the economy / stock market world.

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